Between the 25th Janurary and 14th April Somerset house held a major exhibition of all things cute . From technology, art and fashion the exhibition showcased cuteness taking over in different cultures.

It brought together contemporary artworks and cultural phenomena from artists such as :Andy Holden , Mark Leckey,Aya Takano and so much more . The work displayed was truly breathtaking .

Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Hello kitty iconic figures , plushies , different era of hello kitty and a special appearance of the hello kitty cafe were apart of the exhibition.

A lot of the art involved hides a hidden deep meaning of using cuteness to criticise and rebel .The artists hide stories on loneliness , consumer beauty standards and dark paintings . But why? Because when times are hard we seek refuge and safety in softness.

Despite this , my only critique is that it was so crowded not with just people but also idea and objects . For example , the Que for the hello kitty cafe went up to and past a 2 hour wait (slightly disappointed) Nonetheless, this experience was great and unique .