DRIVERS and pedestrians are being put at risk by dangerous overgrown trees and bushes, it has been claimed. 

Church Lane, in Colchester, has been plagued by speeding drivers but now councillors say it is being made worse by hedges which are hanging out over the road. 

Speed checks in 2018 confirmed there was a speeding issue in the area. 

Officers from Essex Highways looked into the matter but struggled to design a solution which was efficient in their eyes and would not make the road more dangerous. 

Due to the bends, verges, junctions and lack of pavement in places, there are limited safety measures that can be put in place, including 20mph limits, said Prettygate councillor Sue Lissimore, who met with representatives of the highway authority. 


She said: “It is a difficult road; you have got a road that looks like it is in a rural area but it is actually in an urban environment. 

“Drivers see the trees and put their foot down and speed. 

“The short term would be to report speeding when it happens and through that get Essex Police down here to do speed checks. 

“The long-term solution is to find safer crossing points to make the road safer for pedestrians and cyclists. 

“I believe there’s a solution, but it will take a while for Essex Highways to figure out what the best way forward is.” 

Suggestions have been made to install tactical paving and dropped kerbs at certain places to make the area safe for a zebra crossing, with the scheme at the Local Highways panel awaiting funding. 

Overgrown verges on the road, which were thought to be maintained by Colchester Council, have added to the issues, as pedestrians are forced to leave the pavements. 


With the plants not being cut by the council on time, residents have resorted to buying their own equipment. 

A spokesman for Colchester Council said: “After further communication with Cllr Lissimore, we have identified the specific location of the overgrown verge on Church Lane.

"However, there appears to be some uncertainty regarding the ownership of the land in question.

“It's important to clarify that verge maintenance responsibilities can vary depending on location.

“We understand the frustration caused by overgrown verges and are committed to finding a solution.

"Therefore, we will be actively investigating the ownership of the land. Once confirmed, we will work with the responsible party to ensure the verge is maintained appropriately.”

Sue Lissimore is standing for election on May 2. The other Prettygate candidates are Chris Coates (Lab), Natalie Edgoose (Grn) and John Loxley (Lib).