Extracurricular activities are part of some children’s weekly routine, but others struggle to access these resources or have simply no interest for participating in afterschool programmes or weekend clubs. While it’s important not to overexert yourself and pack your schedule too tightly, extracurricular can increase essential life skills, depending on the nature of the club. Physical clubs such as sport teams or yoga groups will improve fitness and overall health, as well as mental health-taking part in a sport is scientifically proven to produce serotonin, the chemical that causes happiness-and other activities, such as games, arts or the theatre, music lessons, book clubs, and many more, will increase your socialisation, confidence, and motivation.

Encouraging students to participate in extracurricular activities will allow them to develop wider social circles, spend more time studying specific topics based on the nature of the club, and, depending on the skills they learn, even enhance their future resume. Most schools will offer extracurricular after or sometimes during the school day that students are urged to attend, free of charge and generally with all supplies provided by the organisers, which means that all they have to do is show up and engage, at no inconvenience to their guardians.

However, activities outside of school can be just as beneficial, if not more so, than those provided inside, as they are able to run for longer, and children will socialise with a wider variety of different people. It is important for them to have friendships outside of school as well as within, and these clubs will provide the opportunities to make new friends.

“It’s a way for people to easily step out of their comfort zone without any awkwardness. It’s really fun, and I’ve made friendships that I’m sure will last a lifetime.”-Aston Wood, a member of a youth theatre group.

In conclusion, promoting extracurricular activities targeted towards students will prove a rewarding and excellent addition to their regular education. Our children will be happier, smarter, and more social as a result.